Upgrading from 5 to 6
- Yarn
yarn add rest-hooks@6 @rest-hooks/rest@3
npm install --save rest-hooks@6 @rest-hooks/rest@3
Package compatibility
Be sure to upgrade these packages prior to upgrading Rest Hooks itself. They maintain compatibility with rest hooks 5.
- @rest-hooks/test >= 6.2
- @rest-hooks/legacy >= 2.3.0
- @rest-hooks/hooks >= 1.4
- @rest-hooks/img >= 0.4.0
Upgrade at the same time:
@rest-hooks/rest 3.0 drops compatibility with older versions, so this will have to be upgraded in unison. All breaking changes are listed below
Due to a bug in npm 7, it might install multiple peerDeps (@rest-hooks/normalizr). If this happens, you can fix by completely uninstalling rest hooks packages and then reininstalling:
npm uninstall rest-hooks @rest-hooks/rest
npm install --save rest-hooks@6 @rest-hooks/rest@3
Exports moved to @rest-hooks/legacy.
FlatEntity, SimpleRecord, NestedEntity, schemas, isEntity, Entity, Resource, SimpleResource, SchemaDetail, SchemaList, Method
These are still supported! They are simply moved to @rest-hooks/legacy. This allows smooth incremental migrations.
yarn add @rest-hooks/legacy@2.2.0
has all of these, and is compatible with both
5 and 6.Upgrade
to 6 &@rest-hooks/legacy
to 3.
Importing directly from hidden files is no longer supported
All packages now use package exports, which if
supported disallow importing directly from any sub path like rest-hooks/lib/react-integration/hooks/useSuspense
Doing this was never supported as file locations would change without announcement. However, now with tooling that supports package exports, it will not work at all.
Store state internals
Entities no longer normalize to their class. Class construction is now done during denormalization step. This means the internal state of Rest Hooks is a POJO. This improves serialization. However, it does mean relying on the internal state in a Manager to be a class will break. Additionally the expected serialization of Rest Hooks store will be slightly different, which could affect snapshot tests or persistance efforts like using IndexedDB.
@rest-hooks/endpoint changes
SimpleRecord -> Object
@rest-hooks/rest changes from 2 -> 3
These add on to the existing changes of @rest-hooks/rest from @rest-hooks/legacy
was used to customize normalization process, useprocess()
instead.class MyResource extends Resource {
static process(input: any, parent: any, key: string | undefined): any {
return {
extraThing: 5,
}New default error behavior
To keep existingclass MyResource extends Resource {
static getEndpointExtra(): EndpointExtraOptions | undefined {
return {
errorPolicy: error => 'soft' as const,
Full list of changes
Node >=12
Node 12 is now the minimum version required. This only applies if Rest Hooks is actually used within node. (SSR or testing are likely cases.)
- fromJS() -> process() to customize init
- normalize results in POJO rather than instances
- This is only meaningful for those inspecting the rest hooks state directly
- FlatEntity, SimpleRecord removed (use @rest-hooks/legacy)
- peerDep @rest-hooks/endpoint > 2
buildInferredResult -> inferResults
Error behavior
useError() will no longer create synthetic errors for missing entities
useError() errorPolicy
polled fetch errors are always 'soft'
- 5xx: 'soft'
- 4xx, 3xx, etc: 'hard'
peerDep @rest-hooks/endpoint > 2
Removed exports from 'rest-hooks': NestedEntity, schemas, isEntity, Entity, Resource, SimpleResource, SchemaDetail, SchemaList, Method
- use @rest-hooks/legacy, or @rest-hooks/rest instead
- peerDep @rest-hooks/endpoint > 2